Let's do it! As long as it starts late enought so that I do not have to get up before 0600. That's the cut off time. However, I think we could get quite a group going locally. I may know a local Roaster who'd want ot join... not to mention a preacher and a doctor. Hmm.. that sounds like the start of a joke... Anyways, we could always keep it small. How far we wanna go?
3 comments on "Bicycle Commute Update; YTD: 426.06 Miles"
almost there... way to go!
How about planning some Saturday morning rides???
Let's do it! As long as it starts late enought so that I do not have to get up before 0600. That's the cut off time. However, I think we could get quite a group going locally. I may know a local Roaster who'd want ot join... not to mention a preacher and a doctor. Hmm.. that sounds like the start of a joke... Anyways, we could always keep it small. How far we wanna go?
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