Example of why I will no longer be reading the comments after a news article. What a bunch of morons.

On: Monday, June 16, 2008

probably hit by some idiot that calls them donorcycles, driving along paying no attention all the while talking on a cell phone and shoving a doubleburger down his throat which i wish he would choke on. most riders are very attentive just due to the fact theres drivers like u that got your license at wal mart on half price day.

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if i was not paying attention, i would have hit and killed him. Wish i did. btw... i do not own a cell phone, and i do not eat out. I cook all my own food. (Kinda have to now because of dietary concerns caused by the accident that was a DIRECT result of me NOT wanting to kill a motorcycle rider.) That will not happen again, i promise you.

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posted by 5, just tell me where you will be driving today so i can find you instead of hiding behind your post. ill give you your chance to take me out if your tough enough. they should take your dl away for life amnd lock your da up

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Sure we can meet HD!!! Regardless of who has the right of way, the mtrcyc is still going to lose. But i will be sure to put "he had the right of way" on your tombstone!!! LMAO!!!!!

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if you were paying attention and giving everyone room around you, you would not be in a ditch. just another driver that has to pass to get to the stoplight a little sooner. your one sick puppy.

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My gosh, 5. All I can say is I hope somewhere in the gazillion dollars you spent on medical care that you got the name of a therapist. Accidents happen whether they are your fault or by the fault of others. No he should not have been doing a wheelie, no he should not have been speeding and you are right there are some irresponsible riders but lets get real. Most of the bike/car accidents happen because of exactly what someone else said. Cellphones. I believe cellphones should be banned or rigged to where they cannot work in a running auto mobile. Pull over if the call is so important or let the voice mail get it. No ones call more important than a life. I had a stupid woman turning left, we both were and there were two lanes. I was in the outside lane and as soon as she made the turn she was in my lane. I got up on side of her and sure enough there was a cellphone stuck to her ear. Could have caused a collision without a care in the world. I am sorry for your pain and agony 5, but please get some help. Road rage never helps anyone.

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your a chicken #### little weenie 5, ill pull your dumbass out of your suv and shove a burger down your throat. to bad you didnt die the world would be a better place. lots better.your a puss. ill be out on 95th between antioch and I35 on a black fatboy with my red white and blue bandana now come on burgerboy

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actually, he was riding a wheelie on the highway AFTER DARK with his headlight straight up in the air where no one could see him. Witnesses stated he came across three lanes of traffic trying to maintain his ridiculous speed to get ahead of traffic when i moved my vehicle to keep from clipping his eighty mile an hour wheelie as he came from behind me and nearly tagged my side mirror. HE was the speeder. HE was unsafe. HE was not repecting others safety. HE was the one endangering all of us.


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