
On: Thursday, May 22, 2008


Now I do hope Pensive decides to do something like this with his car!!

4 comments on "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!"

Percussivity said...

I thought you knew my policy. My passion for starwars is limited to knowledge of useless facts and movie dialog recall (with a bit of character impression talent). I don't dress up myself, my family, my dogs and definitely not my car in costume. I don't even collect Starwars stuff! (not that I wouldn't buy a lot of it if I had money to burn)

The Unabashed Blogger said...

Basically, you are too poor to be a Star Wars geek...

As am I...As am I...Thankfully though...

SQLFunkateer said...

My policy is similar but I have an additional clause; all useless trivia I have amassed is constrained to Ep IV, V, and VI. All the inventions of new races, characters, ships, planets, etc. done after Return of the Jedi (whether from Lucas or not) I consider inauthentic.

Kind of like how the Jews feel about the old and new testaments.

The Unabashed Blogger said...

It's good to be a gentile...