Aye, but does it have software you can d/l so that your minimized player is about 1"x 1 1/4" with the album art for every song? As you move your mouse over, the controls (volume, like/dislike, skip, etc) fade in and out when you move it back.
I love the minimized player and wish Bill Gate's Media Player had a skin like this.
It's pretty cool. I have to be honest, Jango looks kinda Angry Coder-ish. (Gay)
4 comments on "Radio that rocks."
That is 'almost' as cool as jango.com.
Aye, but does it have software you can d/l so that your minimized player is about 1"x 1 1/4" with the album art for every song? As you move your mouse over, the controls (volume, like/dislike, skip, etc) fade in and out when you move it back.
I love the minimized player and wish Bill Gate's Media Player had a skin like this.
It's pretty cool. I have to be honest, Jango looks kinda Angry Coder-ish. (Gay)
Oh seriously? What brought that slam on? What did I make that looks gay exactly???
Mostly boredom really... But do I need an excuse? I think not...
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