Why does society cast the human male as the stereo typical "rude" person? Society states (by "society" I mean women)that "men" are the ones who always burp, fart, and snore? "Men" are slothful, slovenly, gluttonous, constantly saying stupid things without thinking first (when we do we don't care), and other "issues" brought to the table by women.
Do I deny this? Nope. I love being a guy. Women try not to let us men know that they do the same things. Which is fine with me. I would hate to be out-gassed by a female. Yikes. I'd have to hitch the family up and move to Arizona or something.
Do I deny this? Nope. I love being a guy. Women try not to let us men know that they do the same things. Which is fine with me. I would hate to be out-gassed by a female. Yikes. I'd have to hitch the family up and move to Arizona or something.
4 comments on "I am Man, hear me belch."
Welcome to the blogosphere. Yes, that's a 'real' word now. Assholes made it up to describe the ether of noxious fumes in which all blogs exist. This is, assumably, a layer of gas somewhere between the troposphere and the stratsphere. We couldn't be so fortunate as to have a compressed, metallic hydrogen sphere shielding us from harmful UV rays. We get the blogosphere...
So I welcome your emanations into the blogsphere. Thanks for contributing to global warming. Thanks for supporting gun control advocates by way of example. Thanks for making men uniformily sound like a bunch crude turds. Thanks for exercising your god-given right to post your thoughts on all things whether anyone cares are not. You are a true patriot; a lover of freedom. Keep fighting the good fight and posting the bad crap.
Personally I think blogs are the least intrusive way to share information... I am not clogging up anyone's inbox... I am not 'poking people' or sending 'be my friend' requests... only those who feel compelled to visit are in any way inconvenienced by the read time... and that by their own compulsion.
So blog away world... and if I happen to stumble blindly upon your blog then so be it.
And I apologize for my ambitious use of the ellipsis... I just like them.
Look who joined the blog world via a stealth bomber. Nice that you start a blog and keep it a secret. I don't use the ellipsis much. I never know when it is the right time to insert them to create the maximum amount of annoyance. I just prefer to annoy you by using too many words to describe in detail something relatively simple. What can I say. The angry coder just drones on and on and on and on about black churches and joomla. I drone on and on and on about the color of a tree. But hey, what can I say, Hemmingway is a favorite author of mine.
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